Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri

Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri
Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri - PT Bank Syariah Mandiri 2012 is one of the Indonesian leading Islamic bank companies. The Company incorporated in 1999 and operated as a part subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, the largest state-owned banking companies in Indonesia. As of March 2012, Bank Syariah Mandiri supported by 699 office networks consist of 128 branch offices, 424 sub branch offices, 46 cash offices, 9 sharia service offices, and 92 payment points in 33 provinces in Indonesia. To support its business activity, as of November 2011 the Company operated 598 units of ATM Syariah Mandiri and supported by 13.185 human resources. Bank Syariah Mandiri earned a net profit of Rp192.72 billion in the period from January to March 2012, up 42.87% compared to last year.

Bank Syariah Mandiri the Indonesian largest national banking companies. Bank Syariah Mandiri supported by 630 branch offices networks in 33 provinces and its main office located in Jakarta. To support its business activity, the Bank operated 598 units of ATM Syariah Mandiri and supported by 8,993 units of ATM Mandiri, 33,558 units of ATM Bersama, 23,477 units of ATM Prima, 121,743 units of EDC BCA, 8,350 units of ATM BCA and 7,435 units of Malaysia Electronic Payment System (MEPS). In 2012, the Bank obtained an award from Markplus Insight and Marketeers Magazines as The Most Popular Brand of Islamic Banking of Bank Mandiri.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Bank Syariah Mandiri
In line with its vision, to be the most trusted and preferred sharia bank for business partners, currently PT Bank Syariah Mandiri invites the best candidates to join as following position:
  1. Marketing Manager (MM)
  2. Account Officer (AO)
General Requirements Lowongan Kerja Bank Syariah Mandiri
  • Max age 35 years old (MM) and 30 years old (AO)
  • Hold min S1 all majors
  • Experienced min 3 years as Manager Marketing or min 5 years as Account Officer in Bank or Financial Institutions (MM)
  • Experienced min 3 years as Account Officer in Bank or Financial Institutions (AO)
For further detail information and how to apply in each positions above Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2012 Bank Syariah Mandiri, please refer official source from Bank Syariah Mandiri on following link below. Registration valid until 15 Juli 2012. Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be processed.
Official Source Here

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